Saturday, October 20, 2007

Why I Need To Blog

They say that everyone has at least one book in them.

I have 4.

I started two books: one was 5 years ago and I got to Chapter 5 before life made me set it aside. I started the other book 9 months ago and have been pecking away at it sporadically.
The other two books are simply ideas that I have thrown around for years.

In addition to the books, I write constantly. I write because I love to write. I write because I have something interesting to say. I write because there are so many interesting people who do interesting things to interview. I write because someone in my early years told me I should read. They had me at Chapter One of Moby Dick, the first real classic I read when I was 9 years old.

I write E-Magazine articles, minutes of meetings, agendas, web pages, notes to myself, emails, Trade Show copy, small and big business downloadable organization tools, case studies, and now Blogs.

There was a time that I wrote letters to my wife and life-long partner Lu. Whenever I got hot and bothered about something, I wrote her a note about it rather than say it to her face. We do funny things when the heat is on. Today we talk it out.

Writing for me is both therapeutic and necessary.

Writing is therapeutic because there are things that happened in my life and in the lives of others that are beyond imagining. They are so outrageous, they must be true. They are so engaging, spoken words alone cannot do them justice. They are so courageous, they may not otherwise be recognized without being written. They are so real, they must be recorded for those that come after us.

Writing is necessary for me. I am 62 years old and my father Jim died when he was 58. I see much of my father in me and was convinced for many years that I would not survive past 58. I did and there are reasons for that. These are things that I will write about. I have at least 4 friends that are in the early or late stages of dying. They must be written about. I have new children in my life that will be the future of our line. Not only must they be written about, but they must also be encouraged to write. I am so full of experiences that it would be a selfish shame if they were not recorded before I meet my Maker. Life is so short that I must hurry a little bit more each day to get my thoughts down.

Blogging will give me the freedom to publish my thoughts and experiences. It will allow me to share my talents with anyone who cares to read me. Blogging will be great for our business but even better for our relationships.

So here is the first of many Blogs. Please enjoy and please write.

Peter Cluff


Matt - said...

Welcome to blogworld. I look forward to your future posts!

Unknown said...

Great first post Peter! Way to go!